Monday 21 September 2015

Perks of being a teacher - Part I

Teaching as a profession is more than what I asked for. What I majored in and what I worked as, and what I studied further has nothing to do with my profession as of now.

I don't regret my education though, I regret my working experiences sometimes.

But, now everything's changed. This job taught me so much and I still learn something new every day.

Being a teacher, the moment I enter the class in the morning, I am greeted by my children who are aged 3, 3 1/2 and 4years old respectively. It gives me so much joy and happiness when they come up to me talking about their weekend or their amazing experience at the park. Sometimes, I even get compliments about my accessories (my watch, earrings and eye glasses - though I wear the same every single day). And, to add on to these the children walk randomly up to me either kissing my hand, elbow or if they can reach, my cheek. What more do I need to make my day?

There are tons of perks and I've jotted only a few as of now.
That's the reason I've created a series by the name 'PERKS OF BEING A TEACHER'. If you are a teacher or aspiring to becoming one, you will get what I'm trying to exaggerate here.

Image cortesy - Google.

Until next time.

Written and posted on Write Tribe #MondayMusings.


  1. What a nice way to start the day. When my daughter was at nursery school I used to help out once a week and the kids were so cute.

  2. I too drifted into teaching and loved it - much older kids though, but still a joy! :)

  3. @Suzy It's definitely a wonderful way to start my day and thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. @Corinne Rodrigues - Wow, good to know. Thanks for stepping by.

  5. Beautiful! Lovely to find a teacher who actually loves doing what she does...We need more of you, you know?

  6. Such sweet kids you have in your class. Their innocent talks and gestures can truly make your day!

  7. Teaching small children is a new experience every day. A good teacher like you can handle any situation with ease. I was associated with the teachers at every level. You are doing a good job.Kudos!! Keep it up.!!

  8. Teachers make such a difference. You are lucky to be blessed with a great group of kids.

  9. I know this! Yes, it feels wonderful. I used to teach primary classes. This post brought back some lovely memories. :)

  10. I have in fact been thinking to start teaching again along with a day job. Perks of being that are way too many!

  11. So true....I miss those days when I taught too....isn;t it a joy to teach......
