Monday 18 July 2016

Super Heroes in Disguise!

A good start to the week I would call it.

Here's my Super Hero in Disguise.

There was a fine Sunday when I woke up lazily, had some amazing breakfast (I can't recall) and got ready to go to Church with my mom.

It was a big day for me as the boy's parents were coming home to meet me and my family (pre marital prep).

Everything went on well and we were returning back home on my bike. All of a sudden, my bike started wobbling and I was forced to stop to check what was wrong.
To my dismay, the front wheel of my bike was punctured. And to add to the misery, my stomach felt grumpy and made some noises (In the process of getting upset).

It was a Sunday and almost all the shops in and around the place were shut I was helpless.
As I was trying to look for a mechanic's number on my phone. Out of nowhere a stranger walked up to us(my mom and me) and suggested we call a mechanic around the same area and request him to check the bike. I was surprised as the road was almost empty and I was not expecting any help.

I took the number and spoke to the mechanic and he agreed to come. Just as I was about to thank the stranger he disappeared and I felt bad. The mechanic arrived, worked on the wheel and it all happened in a time frame of 30 minutes.
I was surprised and happy as I didn't want to be late when I met his parents.

Recalling that day 3 years back today the memories are still fresh and beautiful. I'm sure there are a lot of SuperHeroes in Disguise like this and we all have to be one too to make this place a better one.

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

Thanks to BlogAdda for this wonderful prompt. I enjoyed writing this as it brought back some good memories.

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